We have fallen from grace

18 Mar

We have fallen from grace


Many people came to this country for religious freedom. Our Congress started; they asked a minister to read four chapters of the Bible and prayer. The center of our nation and government was the Bible, the church and schools; schools to read the Bible and defeat the Devil. We have fallen from these lofty ideals, we have fallen from grace; we have fallen into many evils.

Iowa, in the last election, has taken a step in the right direction, they voted out three justices off their supreme court. They have asked the four other justices who voted for gay marriage to resign. Why? This is what we call activist judges.

The legislation had not allowed the people of Iowa to vote on the Marriage Amendment for one man and one woman. This is the traditional Biblical marriage. Thirty-one states have voted and all 31 have voted overwhelmingly for Biblical marriage. It is time we listen to God and his word rather than to continue to fall into all sorts of evil. There are several others states getting ready to vote for Traditional marriage.

Many people started their day with reading the Bible and prayer for God’s guidance and strength; we certainly needed this yesterday, today and forever. Many families did this together; some called it the Family Altar or Devotions. Thank God for people and families that continue in the Bible and prayer. As our first president George Washington, and many other presidents and Christians have said, “Our nation can not succeed without religious and moral values.”

As in Iowa, we the people must pray and practice the word; and insist that we get back to traditional and Biblical values.

Christians, churches, groups and good people need to speak up and live the good life to be the conscience of America.

We all fall at times, but we must get up and move upward.

Wayne Kratzer


Basket of Hope filled to brim


The Creston Community Baskets of Hope, under the supervision of the Creston Canaan United Methodist Church, served 17 families this year. Each family received food, personal items, household cleaning supplies and pet food for those with pets.

Karen Fleming, this year’s coordinator said, “A special thanks goes out to the businesses that donated and to all those who placed donation jars in their stores. A big thanks goes out to all the individuals who gave personal donations to this year’s project. Baskets of Hope would not have been a success without the support of the community.”

Baskets of Hope brings the community together to care for families who are in need of a hand up. In today’s economy there are many families in our communities who are temporarily struggling. We saw more families in this situation than last year when the church began overseeing the project for the community.

The following businesses made donations to this year’s project and deserve a great thanks of appreciation: Whitefeather Meats, Wayne Savings, Suppes Construction, Designer Floors, Creston Canaan United Methodist Church, Romich-McKelvy Farms, Coffey Insurance, Ray’s Garage, W.G. Dairy, Murray Funeral Home, American Legion Post No. 497, Creston Lions Club, Pike Station Inn III, Village of Creston, Ramseyer Potato Farm and students and teachers of Creston Middle School.

The Rev. Deb Quillen

Creston Canaan UMC


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Posted by on March 18, 2011 in Uncategorized


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